Hi everybody, welcome today to my rant of dueling online. As we all know, there is no shortage to noobs and trolls to those that play yu-gi-oh! on Dueling Network. Today, we are going to pay tribute to noobs and trolls on dueling network. We are going to look at two cards that yours truly have created to pay homage to these delightful people.
"When this card is normal/special summoned: you can special summon a DN Noob from your hand, deck or graveyard. Increase the attack of DN Noob by 1000 points for each DN Troll on the field. This card cannot be destroyed by battle and its summon cannot be negated"
Yes, there is no stopping DN Trolls. They can't be destroyed by battle and their summoning can't be negated. Once it hits the field, there is no stopping them. Best of all, its a dark attribute fiend monster with 1000 attack points, meaning its searchable with cards like Sangan and Tour Guide From The Underworld. Every DN Noob deck should run 3 copies of this card.
"A noob on dueling network who like playing card games. Unfortunately, he does not know the basic rules of yu-gi-oh!"
A level two normal monster that can be searched by with Rescue Rabbit and Sangan. Unfortunately, it has 0 attack and 0 defend, meaning it would be best to overlay them for a xyz summon if DN Troll isn't on the field. This is a card that would rely heavily on DN Troll for support. However, it has potential to become a 3000 attack beatstick if 3 copies of DN Troll is on the field. I can smell people abusing this card for a one turn kill. However, this card needs to be played with thought.
My ratings on DN Troll/Noob deck? This deck truly has potential. It has searchers which is always a good thing and DN Troll effect is kinda nice. But what i like most about this deck is that how DN Noob can have the potential of becoming a 3k beatstick, meaning that we should never look down on DN Noobs. This is all for today guys. Take care and have fun on dueling network.
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